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Cub Scout Six Essentials

What are the Cub Scout Six Essentials?

These are items every Cub Scout should carry in their personal gear when going on hikes or camp-outs:

  1. First-aid kit: adhesive bandages, moleskin, gauze, antibiotic ointment, etc.
  2. Water bottle: filled and large enough to last until it can be filled again
  3. Flashlight: for emergency use only
  4. Trail food: can be made as a den activity prior to hike or camp-out
  5. Sun protection: sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater and a hat
  6. Whistle: also for emergency use only

When should a Cub Scout carry these items?

On any hike or campout with the den or pack. By encouraging Cub Scouts to pack and carry their own personal gear items, you’re preparing them for Scouts BSA.

How should a Cub Scout carry these items?

For convenience — and to make sure no item gets lost — each Cub Scout should carry his or her Six Essentials in a small fanny pack or backpack.

Cub Scout leaders should emphasize that these are tools, not toys, and should be used only when needed.

How can adults help Cub Scouts prepare and pack?

Den leaders should bring a sample set of the Six Essentials to a den meeting before the pack’s/den’s big hike or camp-out.

Adults should explain the importance of each item and what qualities a Cub Scout should look for in each.

For example, you might outline the difference between a flashlight and headlamp, discuss what items go into a first-aid kit, and talk about what goes into a healthy trail snack.

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