Camp Ware 2022
Camp Ware, Cub Scouts Camping Adventure. We had a blast! Made Dump Cake, hiked, did some skits, BB Guns, Pirate Ship playing and enjoyed playing in the cabin.

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Camp Ware, Cub Scouts Camping Adventure. We had a blast! Made Dump Cake, hiked, did some skits, BB Guns, Pirate Ship playing and enjoyed playing in the cabin.
Hi Pack 73, a signup has gone out to signup for our annual weekend at Camp John H Ware III. If you didn’t get the signup and want to go, please let your Den Leader know right away.
Join Pack 73 for our annual weekend of scouting fun at Camp Ware’s Macaleer Lodge. This year, we will only be on the first floor of the lodge.
239 Jubilee Rd, Peach Bottom, PA 17563
I. When should I arrive?
II. What will we do?
Dens will work on requirements throughout the event.
III. What should I bring?
IV. Cost?
Please let your den leader know if you have additional questions.
Note: if you cannot come for the overnight you are welcome to come for the day.
Cub Scout Spookoree pirate themed was a blast! Thanks to everyone who volunteered, set up and had fun. Pack 73 enjoyed our weekend.
Troop 73 welcomed the Arrow of Light and the Webelos to Camp Horseshoe for there parent/scout 🏕 camp-out. Lots of laughter, fun, and memories were had.
Tags: camping
Some photos from our fall Camp Ware Weekend.
Tags: adventure, BB Guns, Camp Ware, campfire, camping, fun, gaga ball, movie, skits