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Pack 73 April News


This Thursday at 6:00 in the Schuylkill Cafeteria will be the 2023 Pack 73 Blue and Gold Banquet. This is the Packs formal event to celebrate a year of Cub Scouts as well as sending our Arrow of Light Scouts onwards to Scouts BSA. To celebrate we will enjoy a potluck feast. If you haven’t signed up yet, I encourage you to visit the Sign Up Genius to see what type of food is still needed.

            This is a formal event, so I encourage all our Cub Scouts to be in Class A Uniform.


            The weather is getting nice out, so let’s go for a hike! The Pack 73 Hiking Club will meet at Pawlings Farm in Valley Forge (off of Pawlings Road) at 2:00 on Sunday 4/30/23. We will do a little over two miles on a loop trail. For more information on the Packs Hiking Club at:


            FYI: The May Pack Meeting will be held a week earlier than usual on 5/11/23. The Chester County Sheriff’s K9 Unit will be visiting!


Cub Scout Fun Day, May 6th – 7th at Camp John H. Ware 3rd.

Visit camp and preview this year’s summer camp theme!

Check-in and camp setup starts at 10am. Activities will run from 11am on Saturday to 10am on Sunday. Families are invited to sleep over Saturday night. Saturday Lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday breakfast are all included in the fee. $20 for youth and $15 for adults.

Register here:


Chester County Council has opened registration for Day Camp this summer. This year’s day camp runs from August 7th-11th and has the theme “CSI: Cub Scout Investigators. It will be held at PARC in Exton (1 Scouting Way). Registration is available here:

            The council has also opened registration for its overnight Summer Camp at Camp Ware.  


·  April 13th: Blue and Gold Banquet

·  April 30th April Hiking Club Hike

·  May 6-7th: Ware Goes West Camporee

·  May 11th May Pack Meeting

·  June 4th: Picnic & Rocket Launch

·  August 7th-11th: Day Camp

Visit to view the Pack 73 Calendar!


Howdy Pack 73 Families!


            First off, lets welcome the Packs newest leaders. Our new co-den leaders for our Webelos Den are Megan Blair and Bethany Barone!

            Pack 73 still needs parents like you to volunteer to be leaders.

            The most pressing is an Assistant Cubmaster. An Assistant Cubmaster will take over from Mr. LoGreco at the end of the school year as Cubmaster. His time as the Cubmaster is ending and we will need someone for him to pass the torch to. He will help the new leader (He has lots of resources) and would like to have them in place by the end of this month.

            We also would need a Den Leader for our Bears (3rd graders). This way when they become Webelos, Mrs. Carfang will not have to run two dens with different curriculums next year.

            The BSA provides training and resources that makes it easy to be a leader and the Pack will cover fees.

If interested, PLEASE let Mr. LoGreco or Mr. Greway know soon.

Without volunteers, there isn’t a Pack.


           We trust everyone had a great time at the Pinewood Derby and at the recent trip to Camp Ware.

            If you have any photos from either event that you would like to share on our website, please send them to Mr. LoGreco so he can get them online.


Cub Scout Fun Day, May 6th – 7th at Camp John H. Ware 3rd.

Visit camp and preview this year’s summer camp theme!

Check-in and camp setup starts at 10am. Activities will run from 11am on Saturday to 10am on Sunday. Families are invited to sleep over Saturday night. Saturday Lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday breakfast are all included in the fee. $20 for youth and $15 for adults.

Register here:


Chester County Council has opened registration for Day Camp this summer. This year’s day camp runs from August 7th-11th and has the theme “CSI: Cub Scout Investigators. It will be held at PARC in Exton (1 Scouting Way). Registration is available here:

            The council has also opened registration for its overnight Summer Camp at Camp Ware.  


            It is time to gather and feast. Every year we celebrate our year of Cub Scouting and sending our Arrow of Light Scouts on to Scouts BSA. Our banquet will be on April 13th this year. The banquet will be potluck, so start planning what dish you might want to bring. More details and a sign-up genius will go out soon.


            To all of our Leaders and potential Leaders: Chester County Council will be hosting a BALOO Training at Camp Ware April 29th-30th. A Pack is required to have at least one BALOO Trained leader to do any overnight outdoor activity. Mr. LoGreco who is leaving the Pack soon is currently the Packs only BALOO trained leader, so we will need someone else to take the training. Sign up here: The Pack will reimburse any fees.


            The Pack will soon need a new Webmaster/Social Media Chair. This person will post photos and information about what the Pack is doing to the Packs Facebook Page and website. If you are interested, please let Mr. LoGreco know and we will get you setup.


  • March 25th: Diamond Rock Pinewood Derby
  • April 13th: Blue and Gold Banquet
  • May 6-7th: Ware Goes West Camporee
  • June 4th: Picnic & Rocket Launch
  • August 7th-11th: Day Camp

Visit to view the Pack 73 Calendar!


WHEN: February 23rd, 2023. 6:00pm.

WHERE: Schuylkill Elementary Cafeteria


6:00-6:30 Pizza and Car Check-In

6:30-6:45 Voting for Special Award Medals

6:45 Race Time!

After the Race: Awards and Medals

PIZZA: Pizza will be available to all families attending. Each medium plain pizza will be $10 each. Please let Mr. LoGreco know by 2/16 if you want a pizza and how many. Snacks and drinks will be provided by the Pack.

RULES: Pack 73 in order to enter our champs into the District race will need to follow the Diamond Rock District and Chester County Council Rules for the Pinewood Derby.

  All cars should pass the following inspection to qualify for the race: 

  1. Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches.Length shall not exceed 7 inches. 
  2. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces. 
  3. The Official Scale will not be questioned! 
  4. Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately. 
  5. Four (4) wheels must solidly touch the track. 
  6. Three (3) wheel configuration is not allowed. 
  7. Original axle slots must be used. The slots may be trued or straightened. 
  8. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited. 
  9. No wet lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite, Teflon, etc.. 
  10. The car shall not ride on any kind of spring. 
  11. The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices. 
  12. No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car. 
  13. The Cub Scout must be present to run their car. 
  14. Cars must be built after September 1, 2022.  

REMINDER: There are no Scout Meetings on February 16th. The school is closed for Parent Teacher Conferences.

See you all on Race Day!


February News


            Reminder: that this weekend is the overnight at the Camden Aquarium. Be there Saturday at 7:00. I sent out a separate email with more detail to those of you attending the trip. If you are going on the trip and didn’t get the email, let me know and I will resend it.


            New T-shirts have arrived. Mr. LoGreco will have them all bagged up and ready to be picked up. He’ll have them at the meeting tonight and at next weeks meeting.


            At next week’s Den Meetings (2/9) we will be holding a planning meeting with all the Pack parents to make plans for the Pinewood Derby and our upcoming camping trip to Camp Ware. We can also begin figuring out ideas for the Blue and Gold Banquet at the end of March. Many hands make light work and more fun for the Cubs!


            The Pinewood Derby is fast approaching! We will be holding the Pack Derby on February 23rd in the Schuylkill Cafeteria. Is your Scouts car ready? Winners from each Den will go on to race in the District Pinewood Derby.


All cars should pass the following inspection to qualify for the race: 

1. Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches.Length shall not exceed 7 inches. 

2. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces. 

3. The Official Scale will not be questioned! 

4. Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately. 

5. Four (4) wheels must solidly touch the track. 

6. Three (3) wheel configuration is not allowed. 

7. Original axle slots must be used. The slots may be trued or straightened. 

8. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited. 

9. No wet lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite, Teflon, etc.. 

10.The car shall not ride on any kind of spring. 

11.The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices. 

12.No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car. 

13.The Cub Scout must be present to run their car. 

14.Cars must be built after September 1, 2022


Chester County Council has opened up registration for Day Camp this summer. This year’s day camp runs from August 7th-11th and has the theme “CSI: Cub Scout Investigators.” It will be held at PARC in Exton (1 Scouting Way). Registration is available here:


            Pack 73 still needs parents like you to volunteer to be leaders. If interested, PLEASE let Mr. LoGreco or Mr. Greway know. We need an Assistant Cubmaster (who will take over for Mr. LoGreco at the end of the school year as Cub Master) and Den Leaders for our Webelos (4th grade), Bears (3rd grade) and Tigers (1st grade). Without volunteers, there isn’t a Pack.


  • February 4th: Adventure Aquarium Overnight
  • February 23rd: Pinewood Derby
  • March 3-5th: Camp Ware Weekend
  • March TBD: Blue and Gold Banquet
  • March 25th: Webelos Woods & Diamond Rock Pinewood Derby
  • June 4th: Picnic & Rocket Launch

Visit to view the Pack 73 Calendar!

January Pack News

Howdy Pack 73,

      I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are ready for some Cub Scout FUN!


Scouts BSA Troop 78 will be hosting a PWD Workshop this Saturday from 9-3. Visit or for more information. Troop 78 is at 15 Mill St in Malvern.

BEAR CARNIVAL (Pack Meeting): 1/19 7-8pm

Our very own Bear Den has a fun carnival planned for our Pack Meeting this month, you don’t want to miss that! The Pack Meeting will be at Schuylkill Elementary Cafeteria from 7-8.


In case you missed the 1/14 workshop, come out to Schuylkill Cafeteria to work on the basic woodworking for your Cubs PWD creation. Any parents who have some power tools to share, please let me (Cubmaster Vinnie) know and bring them to the build night. We are looking for power sanders, jig saws (scroll saws), etc and any hand tools that the cubs can use like sanding blocks, files and coping saws.


Pack 73 is adopting the Diamond Rock District rules this year for its derby so that the top car in each den can then race in the district race in March.

All cars should pass the following inspection to qualify for the race: 

1. Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches.Length shall not exceed 7 inches. 

2. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces. 

3. The Official Scale will not be questioned! 

4. Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately. 

5. Four (4) wheels must solidly touch the track. 

6. Three (3) wheel configuration is not allowed. 

7. Original axle slots must be used. The slots may be trued or straightened. 

8. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited. 

9. No wet lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite, Teflon, etc.. 

10.The car shall not ride on any kind of spring. 

11.The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices. 

12.No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car. 

13.The Cub Scout must be present to run their car. 

14.Cars must be built after September 1, 2022  


We are still seeking parent volunteers for Assistant Cubmaster and Den Leaders. If you are interested, please let me know. The parent volunteers are what will help keep this Pack going strong and continue to deliver this fantastic program to your children.


  • February 4th: Adventure Aquarium Overnight
  • February 23rd: Pinewood Derby
  • March 3-5th: Camp Ware Weekend
  • March TBD: Blue and Gold Banquet
  • March 25th: Webelos Woods & Diamond Rock Pinewood Derby
  • June 4th: Picnic & Rocket Launch

Visit to view the Pack 73 Calendar!

Vincent “Vinnie” LoGreco

Cubmaster, Pack 73


It’s time for a Lego Derby!

Pack 73 and 170 invite all kids, girls and boys, K-5 to come along!

The Derby will be from 7-8pm on September 15th at the Schuylkill Elementary Cafeteria.

The kids will build cars out of Lego and get a chance to see it go on our Pinewood Derby Track, while the parents get to learn about Cub Scouts in Phoenixville.

We hope to see you there!

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Our first Pack Meeting of the year is our Popcorn information night!

It will be on September 8th at 7:00 in the Schuylkill Cafeteria.

We will be learning all about our new Popcorn vendor, tasting some samples and getting all of our sales materials.

After that, it’s time to head out to the playground and launch some Water Bottle Rockets!

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July Canoe Trip

Row, Row your Canoe!

We took an adventure down the Schuylkill Canal and River, thanks to One of our Cub Scout dads and Fitzwater Canoe Rental who helped organize our journey.

We taught our scouts about the history of the canal, how to row, to enjoy nature and of course how to have fun!!!!

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Summertime Pack Events

Howdy Pack 73!!!

     I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. I am sending out this message to let all of you know about our exciting events planned for the Cubs this July and August! If your Scout attends an event in both July and August, they can earn the Summertime Pack Award Pin to wear on their uniform!

DAY CAMP August 1st-5th

     First off, our council still has one more week available for Day Camp in Exton! Some of the Cubs from our Pack attended the Malvern camp and had a lot of fun!! To register, visit

JULY: A Canoe Trip July 24th 1:00pm

     This month, come join the Pack for a fun trip paddling up the Schuylkill Canal and returning back on the River for a fun loop. Please let me know if you and your Scout want to join us so we can get a quote on the price and arrange the boats.

AUGUST: A Bike Hike August 7th 1:00pm

     In August we will embark on a bike ride from the Upper Schuylkill Valley Park to Lock 60 and back. When we return to the park we can go visit the animals.

PACK 73 HIKING CLUB August 21st 1:00pm

     August will also be the first (of many) hikes for our Packs Hiking Club.This hike will be an out and back along the Chapel Trail in Valley Forge led by the Cubmaster (me) starting at the Washington’s Headquarters Parking Lot. More details to follow about what our new Hiking Club is all about.


     We are seeking parents to volunteer as leaders in our Pack. I would really like an Assistant Cubmaster to help me out and to take over as Cubmaster when my tenure is complete. We are always looking for Den Leaders and assistants as well as just some parents to join our Pack Committee. Another exciting opportunity is to be in charge of our annual Popcorn Fundraiser as our Packs Popcorn Kernel. The Popcorn Kickoff is on July 21st at PARC in Exton, and I would like someone to join me at that event to learn what we need to know to have a successful Popcorn sale this year.

I hope to see all of you soon!

Have a happy summer!!

Vincent “Vinnie” LoGreco

Cubmaster, Pack 73

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